January 20, 2025

Understanding Late Position and How to Play It in Poker

3 min read
Play It in Poker

Understanding Late Position and How to Play It in Poker – It’s no big secret that late position makes the most money in poker. However, we cannot expect the chips to, automatically, flow to us, based on our position. It’s important to understand what benefits they provide and how best to take advantage of them.

Look for Button Steals

The entire game of poker revolves around the blinds. If there were no mandatory blind posts, poker situs togel would not exist as we know them today. The button is the best place on the table to try and take blinds uncontested. Good players increase around 50% (or even more) holdings when folded to them on the button. It really interests you when you see an opponent who doesn’t defend as often as he should. If the min-raise button takes the blinds over 57%.

So this will automatically be profitable, even if we always give up when faced with resistance. If you see a tall folder in the curtain, you can quickly expand the range of open buttons to include any two cards. Even if your opponents don’t fold that much, you don’t want to make the mistake of playing too tight on the button.

Target Weaker Players

Even though you play a wider selection of cards from late position, in general, the clearest incentive to expand further is when there are weaker players at the table. Maybe this type of opponent won’t fold preflop very often, but they will more than make up for it with the size and frequency of the postflop mistakes they are likely to make.

Simply put, you want to play pots against such players and they account for a large portion of your overall winrate. This isn’t the only way you can target weaker players in late position. If players at the table are limping, you have the opportunity to do iso-raises in the hope of starting a preliminary pot and a weaker opponent.

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What is the meaning of late position and how to play it in poker?

Additionally, you may also want to play a wider selection of cards than SB if you suspect BB is a weak player. Not only can we open wider raises but we can also consider combining SB finishing ranges (limping) in the hope of playing more preliminary pots when playing against weak opponents.

Customize and Different Sizes

Analysis of hundreds of databases reveals that the most common LIPAT4D late position mistakes are not adjusting correctly and different open-raise sizes. Many players have a rough idea of ​​which range of cards to keep in each scenario, but do not adjust this response based on the size of the bet they are facing.

As a quick example, think about the following:

You are on BB and facing a 3bb open-raise from BTN.
What is your defensive range like?

Now imagine we are in the same spot but facing a 2bb open-raise from BTN.

How has your defensive range changed?

If your answer is “mostly keep the same distance”, then you definitely have some leaks in the final position. This may seem like a difference, but our preflop defense range against a 2bb open-raise should be different to a 3bb open-raise.

This also translates to other late position preflop scenarios. For example, we open raise BTN to 2bb and face 7bb 3bet. How will our defensive range change if we face a 3bet 10bb? This will definitely change, however, many players will not make any adjustments.

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